Healthy Sex Tips!

black_coupleHow To Enjoy Sex More

We know this is a blog about health and fitness and bootys, but sex also factors into a healthy lifestyle! Not just how you do it, or how much you do it — but also how you feel about yourself while doing it. We don’t always agree with the “sex tips” in magazines, but this article — although awfully titled “Top Sex Mistakes Women Make” (how about “Top Tips For Better Sex”?) — has some great tips to boost confidence, communication, and attitude in the bedroom. They list 10 “mistakes,” but here are our top favorites:

Thinking sex ends when he climaxes. “Just because he’s fulfilled doesn’t mean you are. Let him know you haven’t finished and help him find ways to get you there with his hands or mouth. If he’s consistently too wiped out to give you the attention you deserve, have your needs met before his next time.”

Obsessing about your body. “The numbers on the scale aren’t what you’d like… so what…weight is no excuse for avoiding sex. Or maybe your weight is fine, but you’re fixating on another flaw. Guess what? If he wants to have sex with you, he thinks you’re sexy. If your self-image is hindering your sex life, consult a therapist, join a support group, read a self-help book, or check out Get Out of Your Head… and into Bed!

Analyzing his equipment malfunction. “This happens to every guy, but it’s still an awkward moment for both. Unless deflated sails are an ongoing problem, don’t make a big deal about it. Delving into the psychology of why he’s gone flat and what it means only makes the situation worse. Who knows, he could’ve had a vision of his grandmother that made him lose his erection. Follow his lead. If he’s done, move on. But if he feels he can rally, keep going and try something else… There are so many things you can do in bed together that don’t require an erect penis. Let him to focus on you for a few minutes.”

Read more tips here, and be sure check out the all-natural, curve-boosting supplements and firming cream of the Curvy Diet program!