Fake Booty vs All Natural

Azz Shots, Butt Implants, Booty Injections..

Really ladies, am I the only one tired of seeing those fake bums that look like two basketballs in your jeans?

It is not sexy, it is cra cra!  Having a nice firm plus size booty is great, matter of fact, it’s better than great but come on ya’ll we have to keep it for real right.   With a just little research on this, wow, you would be amazed at what you find on the internet about this issue.  I stumbled upon some really disgusting articles & images of butts gone wrong.  Some to which I wouldn’t dare to share about they were so nasty.

Butt injections gone wrong.. Watch what Dr. Rachael Ross has to say about it.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0Lbc2Lt2hcScreen Shot 2013-10-24 at 7.47.48 AM

What’s the procedure? Incisions are made close to the midline and silicone gel implants are placed over the muscle, but under the tough membrane that encloses the muscle. After the surgery, you are not supposed to sit on your buttocks for 2-3 weeks. How many of you can do that? Not many, and that’s one of the reasons this procedure has a high complication rate. Problems like fluid collection, movement of the implants, and infections plague many patients. A common problem is scarring around the implants, which leads to hard implants. Imagine sitting on two baseballs and you’ll get an idea of what you’re in for if your implants harden.

The scary side-effects of implants.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4D6fg5NENRI&oref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D4D6fg5NENRI&has_verified=1

You don’t need to stress yourself with these major expenses cause if you’re thinking of getting surgery and injections you better be going to the best with an extensive reference list.  Those docs are not cheap and there are so many risks.

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So listen, before you go out and buy your butt, do the all natural alternative. The 30-Day Brazilian Bum Lift Challenge will get you the results you are looking for! Seriously with minimal work out regimes, eating healthy good food, taking your supplements and applying your herbal butter within thirty days you can have that perky full booty you have been dreaming of.
Besides by putting in the work and earning your backside you will be doing so much more for yourself then boosting your butt.  You will feel more confidence, sexy, motivated, clear headed and healthier.  Okay, men also love natural booty’s. A shapely butt on a woman is a sure-fire turn-on to any guy. The way it moves when she walks — that slight jiggle of the hips and sway of the cheeks — is pretty much a mating signal. After all, there’s a reason they call it a “booty call.” Men are easily hypnotized by a fine female gluteus maximus , and will pretty much drop everything (literally and figuratively) to get a closer look.

8 Delicious Foods for a Healthy Body

Surprise your senses with these simple 8 foods that are nutritious and promote weight control.

Let’s stop for a minute and quit talking about the foods to stay away from.  Instead lets talk about some good eats to include in you daily routine and why.  There are plenty of nutrient rich, low fat foods out there to choose from depending on your goal, but to manage your weight while staying curvaceous, start planning ahead with these 8 yummy foods.Screen Shot 2013-10-16 at 1.55.12 PM

Berries – Packed with fiber, one cup of raspberries has 8 grams.  Antioxidants rich berries help protect your body from cell-damaging radicals.  If you are looking to add Vitamin C then go with strawberries but to get the most potent antioxidants, blueberries are great. Berries are a must eat everyday!

Beans – Yes, I said beans.  Cheap & packed with fiber beans help keep your blood sugar levels in check.  You’ll feel fuller for longer and have more energy throughout your day.  Incorporate all types of beans in your diet at least 3 times per week for maximum benefits.

Greek Yogurt – 6oz serving contains 16-20 grams of protein.  Protein is absolutely key to loosing and maintaining your weight in the right places.  If you are targeting your stubborn belly fat this is a MUST eat.  Greek yogurt contains fewer grams of carbs and sugars than regular yogurt so don’t mix the two up.  Not only will you be on your way to slimming that midsection but also you will be boosting your immune system and promoting a healthy digestive track.

Screen Shot 2013-10-16 at 1.57.43 PMFish –  A healthier protein than your red meats and pork.  Omega 3 fatty acid rich fish keep your arteries clean, raise good cholesterol levels, improve brain function (which is always good) and reduces inflammation.  For that sexy, youthful and wrinkle free glow to your skin ladies, eat fish.  It’s great for boosting your blood flow.

Oatmeal – Breakfast of champions, you will stay energized and full during those early hours of the day.  Oatmeal actually slows your digestion and stabilizes blood sugar.  Fire up your metabolism and control your weight by eating this whole grain each morning.  Make sure the per serving contains at least 5 grams of fiber on the nutrition label.Screen Shot 2013-10-16 at 2.05.12 PM

Sweet Potatoes – Another budget-friendly, bulge-battling food item.  Packed with vitamins and nutrients this delicious vegetable encourages a strong immune system, healthy bones, Stress Relief, and proper nerve function.

Nuts – Well aren’t we all… When it comes to snacking go for this heart-healthy choice.  Nuts can fight heart disease and reduce insulin resistance which makes blood sugar easier to control, not to mention they are rich in fiber.  It’s very easy to overeat nuts so this one is good for portioning out ahead of time to be sure you are not consuming too many calories.  One serving size should be around 1 oz so just be aware.

Leafy Greens – Vitamin K is the all-star vitamin when it comes to leafy greens by preventing blood clotting, fighting diabetes and keeping your bones healthy.  Mix up your leafy greens when it comes to your salad selections and try to include leafy greens such as spinach, kale, chard and arugula two to three times per day.  Yes you can, just choose to.  It never gets old as long as you mix it up!Screen Shot 2013-10-16 at 2.06.31 PM

Now that was a lot of information with little detail but the idea is to give you ladies some choices while your sculpting your body to that sexy shape that gets noticed and admired.  Hey, the way I see it is we were designed curvy we just have to treat our bodies right and embrace our feminine features right..  So take some of the 8 foods we listed, incorporate them daily, mix them up, eat them together and enjoy food while you shed unwanted weight in the right areas.. Good Luck and as always if you have some delicious recipes let us know and we can share with other women on the same journey.

Sculpt Sexy Curves & Sizzle Away Those Calories!

Ladies you don’t have to be celebrity status to have that bootilicous body!

I’m here to tell you it’s real, it’s fun, it’s the hottest ways to get your body looking fabulous before the holiday’s get here.  It’s always in the back of my head.. what do I got to do, so I can feel confident this season.  Getting together with family & friends, cocktail parties, dinners, and oh yeah don’t forget all the pictures that will be taken this season.  Why wait until the New Year to say I’ll start then! During this time of year is when I like to hustle the most with my fitness routine.  I use inspiration from those Miami bikini babes to get motivated.. Even though I may not be running around in my bikini right now, I’m going to look good enough to, by this holiday season…

Here’s a couple of fun things those sexy Miami babes are doing to shred that stubborn belly fat while lifting and toning their toosh.images-7

RealRyder Inferno:  Picture indoor cycling but on a bike (called a RealRyder) that pivots side to side so you can lean into twisting trails, just like on an alfresco ride (you might feel like you’re outside, too, in this studio of wall-to-wall and floor-to-ceiling windows!). Twice, you’ll crank the resistance to slow-pedal while you do 15-minute lifting sessions with 3-pound weights.  The instability of the bike works your core, which in time means a flat slim midsection.

DanceStreetLab:  The sounds of Miami—Latin rap, Jamaican reggae and salsa—accompany music video–esque moves. And you don’t have to be Shakira to hang. The first three songs are your warm-up, and the steps you learn (slowly!) provide the foundation for mastering the rest of the hour-long class.

Watch this!! http://youtu.be/M7KlD5vLJXM