Up for the Challenge:

the results are Astounding!!!


Check out the PERFECT CURVES and the 30 day Booty Challenge.

Getting it Tight, Got to get it Right!





Setting New Goals:

Getting back on track….

Although, there is a chill in the air… and at times I can barely get out of bed, its challenging to keep up with my fitness routine!!  women-getting-up

That is when I pick up the phone and call the Motivational coaches at Herbal Tropics!! (800.505.6350)

Herbal Tropics, is the Number One, Brazilian Diet and fitness Brand in America…

I trust this product because its made from Natural fruit extracts from Brazil..with that in mind, I call my coach and they encourage me to get  back on track, with small steps leading back to my goal: to loose weight.


Small tip of the day…“Get UP and Show UP”!!

Getting into the Habit of working out can be hard, but the coaches of Herbal Tropics, suggest showing up. Its the habit of being present..


the solutions of showing up, with the idea- you’ll work out when you get there.

So simple and effective.

This week,

I am going to “SHOW UP!!”


MM ..

the perfect curves supplements, myhotsecrets butt enhancement weight loss product

The 30-Day Curves Challenge

“OMG, I grew four inches to my butt in just one-month… with the 30-Day Curves Challenge”!!!  – Tina Moss

30 - Day Curves Challenge

Following the Challenge was Simple, I took the supplements, did the workout and applied the herbal cream immediately after. And my butt grew bigger and bigger four inches in just a month. Can you get the same results of course you can if you follow the challenge. It’s that easy! 

#1. Take the Supplements !!!

The Perfect Curves kit, comes complete with our herbal supplements the Body Firming Butter together these two revolutionary products pair perfectly to give you a bigger and better buttocks naturally!

The butt enhancing Perfect Curves supplements will enlarge the size of your buttocks. With all natural vitamins and raw nutrients derived from 100% whole fruit the organic supplements shapes, contours, and defines your every curve! The fiber and antioxidants found in the fruit targets belly fat to reduce your waist while slimming your midsection.

The Body Firming Butter increases fatty tissue production to the hips and buttocks. This butt stimulator works in just three short days to firm and tone your glutes. The intense herbal complex stimulates estrogen to plumps-up every curve to your buttocks and hips while smoothing and toning your skin with exotic herbal butters tone skin while diminishing stretch marks and cellulite.

The body shaping Perfect Curves herbal supplements will enlarge the size of your buttocks. With all natural vitamin and raw nutrients derived from 100% organic fruit the whole food supplements shapes, contours, and defines your curves. The fiber and antioxidants found in the fruit targets belly fat to reduce your waist while slimming your midsection.

2. Follow the Workout Routine!!  

bigger butt, build a bigger a butt, larger butt

To fool-proof workout program called the 30-Day Curves Challenge is a unique workout plan that’s tailored to you. Finally you can get those results you desire a firm lifted rear and round curvier buttocks. The Challenge is simple do the squats and crunches as recommended follow the program and discover amazing results in just two weeks!



 Want radiant skin?

  want reduced skin blemishes?


 Try Herbal Tropics, Vita C Skin Capsules, with pure vitamin C derived from Fresh Berries.

Get rid of dark spots, dry patches and that always unwanted acne?



takeVita C, which will help

your cells to combat problematic skin conditions…

            BOOST IMMUNITY,

IMPROVE YOUR  Overall HEALTH, & Much, much, More!

Check Out the Below Video, for more facts on Vitamin C!

The Perfect Curves – How to grow a Bigger Booty!

How to grow that Booty Naturally!

The Perfect Curves, is a revolutionary new product to amplify the natural curves of a woman’s body. This dietary supplement is made from whole fruit grown in Brazil. The supplement contains tropical nutrients, vitamins, and fiber to help promote better nutrition and weight loss.

Finally a solution is here… to the pondering question on every woman’s mind… How Do I Grow A Bigger Booty without Surgery???

This Brazilian diet will also add more fullness to your hip and buttock area by releasing estrogen (derived from natural sources) extracted from Whole Fruit itself. This combination of these organic and fresh elements released into the

bigger buttocks, grow sexy curves, make my butt bigger, enhance my butt, want a bigger butt, booty bigger, big butt, slim waist, lose weight, anti-anging, dietary weight loss, supplements for your body

body, not only leaves a woman feeling rejuvenated, but even more feminine! And you’ll notice weight loss combined with body contouring benefits. And best of all with the formula you achieve a natural lift and more shapely curves in just 6 weeks. If you like this formula, you may also be interested in our Buttocks Contouring Crème  (see below)

Perfect Curves – Herbal Body Firming Butter

The Body Firming Butter is a remarkable treatment that contours the curve to your buttocks; the herbal cream is massaged onto both your hips and buttocks at night. The herbal cream has estrogenic properties that add fullness and volume to your buttocks while firming, lifting, and shaping every curve to your lower body. This natural formula will increase voluminous curves to the buttocks while smoothing and fading away cellulite and stretch marks. Most of our customers report NOTICEABLE RESULTS in just THREE DAYS, with this new herbal treatment. The formula contains natural organic herbs, raw butters, essential oils, and exotic fruit extracts from 100% all natural sources.


Check out new lip colors,



cs_moisture_extreme_model_img Rita-Ora_BEAT



GO AHEAD Layer it on

               and give someone a BIG KISS!!


Love,Wink,wink Lexi

Check some all natural ways to create & exfoliate your lips tips::P

Color Me Bronze!!

Get Ready!!!

As summer approaches its time to get those Bods looking Golden and Flawless….


Dark and Lovely,


     Golden and Bronze..


 Get the Herbal Tropical Tanner, the  Brazilian natural skin darkening topical that goes on cool and refreshing!!!

Get ready to GLOW GIRL!!!!


Check out these videos about 5 steps to healthy skin:

Check out this video about how Ethnic Women can tan too!

Natural Metabolism Boosters

Boosting Your Metabolism the Natural Way!

Screen Shot 2013-04-17 at 11.38.40 AMAs a heavy girl –  I’ve always struggled with my weight; in the southern states they called us big-boned and that’s where my complex begun. I’ve always struggled with my weight in high school and even much of my young adult life. I really had problems and I did every (unreasonable) thing to solve them like diet pills, drugs, and other hocus pocus (ridiculous diet tricks). In retrospect I really had no idea what I was doing messing with all those stimulants and metabolism altering drugs! Now that I’m 30 something years old – I’ve finally come to realize that my years of poor eating habits and all those diet pills really did more harm than good. And in fact those stimulants altered my metabolism making it less efficiently. What I realized is that by taking diet pills my own metabolism became over stimulated – leaving me sluggish metabolism. If you don’t already know then let me tell you… when you mess with your metabolism that’s a dangerous thing!!! Because no matter what you do losing weight will be virtually impossible when you alter you natural metabolism!!!


What you should know about a Slow Metabolism: 

Usually our metabolisms won’t slow down unless we hit our late 40’s and or early 50’s – other than that a healthy adult should have no complications with their metabolism unless they’re on some kind of medications that effect their metabolism or thyroid.

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However, recent case studies are showing results of younger and younger people struggling with slow and sluggish metabolisms. This is really awful because a slow metabolism will increase ones appetite and cause you to burn fewer calories. A slow metabolism will make it (extremely difficult) to lose weight even when you diet properly and exercise.

What to do when a Slow Metabolism happens to (YOU)!!

When I began to fail at every diet conceivable I realized that my metabolism was operating way too slow. The higher my body fat grew the slower my metabolism became and losing weight became virtually impossible. I resolved to calling myself a fat lazy bum! Because my hope was deminished. What a sad feeling came over me when I found myself losing hope after trying everything – but how could I hope when nothing else worked! Somehow my God-given FAT BURNING abilities were altered and I didn’t know how to get my metabolism back… that was the Moment Of Truth!

OMG, when I finally realized that everything i was doing was not working because my metabolism was burned out – and that all I had to do was FIX my broken metabolism my weight issues were over.

Now decided to jump-start my metabolism in a healthy and natural way so I could help my body boost its metabolism to burn fat efficiently for me. I teamed up with Herbal Tropics to learn easy tips that I could do to boost my metabolism and say goodbye to diet pills, fasting, diet fads, and all other hocus pocus crap that just DON’T work!!! My new journey begun with just a few lifestyle changes.

The New Plan for my Success

Building a strong and efficient metabolism was my new plan. I so tired of being sick and tired. I found a detailed regime that works! This regime was presented by Herbal Tropics the leading suppliers of Natural Beauty Products for women to help you discover Four Secrets to Boosting a Better Metabolism…

SECRET #ONE– Drink Icy Cold Water  (one) liter before work. 

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Keeping hydrated is very important to your metabolism. Drinking the recommended eight cups of water a day will help your body function at peak performance levels. However, drinking one liter of (icy cold) water before work will give your metabolism a natural boost before noon. The cold temperature of the water will cause you body to warm itself on the inside to stabilize your temperature this automatically increases your metabolism.

I like to put my water in a sports bottle like this one and add one cup of ice cubes.  I carry two of them with me to work. I drink one down by 9am and I start on the other liter at noon drink it down before 5pm.

SECRET # TWO – Increase your Calcium and Vitamin C supplement intake. 

Unknown-1Studies have shown that people who consume more Vitamin C, have a stronger metabolism and burn more fat at a faster rate. Vitamin C and calcium are partners in crime when it comes to your metabolic rate. Calcium speeds up metabolism, while vitamin C helps the body absorb this mineral, creating an overall win-win situation.

SECRET # THREE — Eat more hard-boiled eggs 3-4 throughout the day. 

Eating smaller meals every 2-3 hours boost your metabolism especially when those meals are high in protein!!

So eating 3-4 hard-boiled eggs is great way to curb your appetite while boosting your metabolism. I eat one egg with a piece of fruit to balance the protein with a carb for breakfast and every 2-3 hours later before dinner.

Screen Shot 2013-04-25 at 9.00.21 PMThe portion size of an egg is perfect and the protein count is excellent for one complete meal. Repeat this every 2-3 hours when you’re hungry and your metabolism will jump through the roof. Every time you consume small portions of  (high protein) meals your bodies metabolism quickly rev up and start burning more calories to breakdown that protein rich meal. Eating every 2-3 hours helps you feel fuller longer but you have to prepare yourself. Because if you don’t take easy quick simple meals along with you – you’ll end up cheating.

Examples of other (high protein) healthy quick snack meals.

  • Peanut butter (raw) with strawberries
  • One hard-boiled egg with a piece of fruit
  • Almonds with some fruit
  • Greek Yogurt with some fruit.

I have found that the easiest snack food is hard-boiled eggs is easy and simple. I boil four eggs in the morning, sit them in cold water, peel them and store them inside a plastic container for consumption later.

I also prepare an assortment of fresh fruits daily. I add strawberries, kiwis, apples, and blackberries inside a zip lock bag. I take them with me and eat the fruits every 2-3 hours. I also bring nuts with me and eat those occasionally.

SECRET #FOUR— Exercise for 30-minutes every other day.

Exercising is great for burning calories and ever better for your metabolism when you rest and take one day and rest 24-hours before exercising again. Not only will you burn calories exercising but you’ll also burn then the next day without doing anything. The best exercise to do is one that focuses on building muscle combined with increase cardio activity.

Keeping you metabolism working more efficiently will help you naturally slim down. These natural metabolism boosting tips can help you get your metabolism out of slug mode into high fat burning mode. Remember to work on your metabolism daily to increase natural FAT BURNING so losing weight because effortless for you.

If you liked our natural Metabolism Boosting Tips then let us know… we’d love to hear what you think. Give us a comment on this blog or connect with us online at My Hot Secrets online beauty store.

the perfect curves supplements, myhotsecrets butt enhancement weight loss product

Rosie Skin and Vita C !!

Mirror, Mirror

On the Wall

Who is the Glowist one Of All…



Say HELLO to radient, clear, healthy skin by taking the Vita C capsules  from the Beauty store, Herbal Tropics..

Its an Amazing formula that will help  boost  your anti-bodies in your immune system  by reducing skin redness  irritation and removing internal toxins that produces blemishes and signs of aging… Producing a ROSIE GLOW..


with the Vita C capsules….

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Please look at this video to learn more about natural skin lightening the easy way.


At Herbal Tropics, we want to extend our deepest sorrow to, Wibert Bain,  southern rapper brother Trina.

Our heart and prayers are with you!!trina-2012-07-06-300x300

Keep your Head UP!!!


Herbal Tropics