Have You Ever Tried Samba?

images-1Spice Up Your Exercise Routine!  

Samba originated in Brazil, and is know for its sexy, hip-shaking moves.  It was — and still is — a festival dance celebrated during the street festivals and celebrations, such as Carnival!  First introduced in the U.S. in a Broadway play called “Street Carnival” in the late 1920s, the adventurous style and peppy mood of samba has kept it alive and popular to this day.

So turn up your favorite South American music and feel the energy as you shake your booty!  Visit the Samba Body YouTubeChannel for some great videos to get started!

Sex Up Your Sandwich!


How To Make the Best Sandwich

Grrrrllllll…you know when people say, “Damn that girl needs to eat a sandwich!” Well, here you go! Sandwiches that will not only get you thick and sexy, but healthy and more interested in your food! Get thick with Curvy Diet!