Watch This Video On How Sugar Affects Your Brain

Sugar Addiction

Thanks Karma Chow! Yep, sugar is in ketchup and Vitamin Water! And it acts like heroin in the body — you get high, you crash, and then you want more! Helloooooo overeating…..

Cleanse your way to Perfect Curves! 


Fruits and vegetables have always been highly encouraged in one’s diet. But these days we tend to buy juices and foods from stores that may include the fruits and veggies, but they also have a lot of additives, preservatives, and sugar, which actually act as an impediment to the healthy, fit, curvy body you desire!

You can now easily cleanse your body of all the toxins that come from other foods and drinks with easy to make juice blends at home! You can control exactly what you’re putting in your body. With the right recipes of fruits and vegetables in your juicer, you will notice your skin brighter, a boost in your energy, and weight loss!

These juices keep your skin hydrated, and provide a fantastic source of nutrition directly to your cells. They also act as a great recovery drink after a good work out.

The juice cleanse compliments all Herbal Tropic’s products most effectively, to help enhance your results to achieve an even curvier body! The beauty of this entire regiment is that you are combining the 100% all natural Herbal Tropics supplements (that contain nutrients from Acai Berry, Plantains, and the Aguaje Fruit), the Brazilian Lift Challenge (workout routine), with an additional Juice cleanse! This healthy lifestyle will transform your body!

Are you concerned about stubborn belly fat? The Slim Waist Dietary Supplement will help reduce your waist line with a natural and holistic approach that will work with any diet. It has been formulated with herbs to reduce stress related weight gain. It is 100% stimulant free, and works by reducing Cortisol levels in the body. By combating this stress hormone you can reduce 45% of belly fat while fighting fatigue and stress, so you are calmer and relaxed through out the day!

Juice Recipes to Enhance Your Curves!

Bright Skin Juice

Bright Skin Juice

1 carrot
1 green apple
1 cup cantaloupe
1 orange

Green Hydrating Juice

4 ribs of celery
1 cucumber
1 green apple
1 handful spinach
1/2 lemon, peeled


Breakfast: Carrot Apple Ginger Juice

3 carrots

2 apples

1-in ginger


Mid-Morning Juice: Mean Green Juice

1 cucumber

4 celery stalks

2 apples

6 to 8 leaves kale

1/2 lemon

1-in ginger


Lunch: Gazpacho Juice

4 plum tomatoes

1 large cucumber

2 celery stalks

1 red bell pepper

1 small red onion

2 cups parsley (leaves and stems, roughly chopped)

1 lime


Afternoon Snack: Citrus Inspired Green Juice

6-8 leaves kale

8 leaves Swiss chard

1 cucumber

6 clementines


Pre-Dinner: Sunset Blend Juice

1 large sweet potato

1 medium carrot

1 red bell pepper

2 large red beets

2 Golden Delicious apples

1 orange (optional)